I didn’t understand it at first. When the feeling came. It was initially like a bolt that hit me out of nowhere, knocking me down. The energy from the bolt swelled in my solar plexis and before I knew it I was depressed, saddened..and I didn’t know why. It was hard for me to not know because I generally keep a good connection with my emotional body. So to have this feeling, deeply entrenched into my being, this sense of something coming and not knowing..well it frustrated the hell out of me. And then one day..in mediation it just came to me : New York.
When I first heard it my reaction was resistance. “You want me to what?” “Go where?!” “WHy?!” “I don’t even like that City!”
I fought it and fought it. You can even ask my closet friends. Deep down inside I knew the call had been placed for me to shift to NYC but I was NOT having it. I fought it for months…and things got increasingly harder. The depression deepened. It was like a boulder building in my stomach. In my psychic eye I could feel a tumult coming, like a blizzard of energy rolling down-but unlike my normal experiences, I could not “read” it. I did not know what it was.
One nite, it took me deep into myself..where there was barely a glimmer of lite. I was in despair “You want me to leave my home?” “My friends? All the work that I’ve done and want do here?!” The little glimmer of lite began to fade more and more..and I cracked..i relinquished… i surrendered. I said: “I will go..”
And from there it was…well…almost like magic how the universe opened up for me. In the next few months questions about jobs, about living situations, became almost instantly answered-even when I tried to resist the simplicity of them;they were all in my face long before questions could be posed.
Ladybugs, creatures that represent the power of surrender, started appearing all above my bed and walls. Several of them. I do not know how they got in; and they were nowhere else in the house but my bed room, but they were there; as if to herald my journey. As if to herald my surrender to the Universe’s plan.
At my job; a possible project came up that would allow me to work remotely. All I had to do was find a LMS (learning management system) that we could afford and see how I could make it happen. Well I went to hundreds of websites and one day came to one which held me. I looked at their clients and they all looked waaay to expensive. I wanted to move on..but spirit said: ‘Stay. Reach out to them”. I clicked the icon on the website that allowed me talk to a live person. Ending up telling them about the work we wanted to do with Men Stopping Violence. For a moment there was no response. Then the person typed: “I know this may seem strange, but I am the VP of this company. I am doing this because We are having a staffing challenge. But besides that, I want to talk to you about giving you this software pro-bono. For free.” And it happened. The software we needed to create my remote position was donated for three years. And it was no small donation.. thousands of dollars per year. The universe had a plan.
I went to Austin For the Fire & Ink Conference. Met many brilliant and beautiful people there. Many of who seemed so familiar and yet so foreign. Every time I would ask someone I really liked where they stayed they would say: “I live in Brooklyn.” Andre: I live In Brooklyn. Fly: I live In Brooklyn. Terrell: I live in Brooklyn. Brooklyn and NYC. Always from the people I spent most of my time with. It was an affirmation from the universe.
Housing concerns popped up. Started searching frantically. And when i was sure it wouldn’t work: A longtime buddy of mine, Leandro was like, “Yolo! We have a room available in our space! Come stay with us, at least until you get your own place!” You can get to know the city before you pick your own apartment and well be roomies!” The universe had a plan.
And so now I’ m here. And it feels good. Getting away from Atlanta has been both liberating and sorrowful. Sorrow because I miss my friends, liberating because now I have more alone time than I’ve ever had..and for the past year or so in ATL I have so craved it. I love walking the streets of the city as a stranger, where no-one really knows my name; its unlikely ill run upon any of the youth I’ve worked with, any one who has ever heard of my poetry, read my articles..its refreshing..it’s like i can breathe in a whole new way. Living in a city where people “expect you to be on” can be taxing..and the community in ATL is really really small. While I love all my peeps, these past few weeks have been a welcome respite.
I spend a lot of time roaming the streets of Manhattan, just walking and watching faces. Ride the bus in Harlem in awe of the auras and the family i see there; walk through Brooklyn smiling at the many racial and ethnic groups, cultures, foods..the constant motion. And I have been writing. Writing more than i have in a long time. Writing about my life and what i want to do. Writing about my truth and what i want to share with you. And writing about the work I know I have been called to NYC to do. Working on myself and within the world community. Like you, I too am here for a reason and have a calling. I know that at the end of the day, I’m in new york to answer.
I love my ATL community immensely and miss you all. And I’m looking forward to what this city will make me. And what I will make it :-) .
Thank you to everyone for your prayers, your love, your hugs and lite. Thank you for supporting me in my journey. Your amazing.
and that my friends-is my magical New York Story!
Much much love!