Monthly Misspelled Musings from A Queer Child Of the Cosmos

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Astrology is to Feminism What Purple is to Lavender.

Queerness. Blackness. Whiteness. Personality & Perception. So Ive been thinking about these things alot lately. About what ideas and ideologies we prescribe to which in turn, shape, facilitate and inform our personal and communal realities.

For instance, as an astrologer its readily apparent to me that individuals born with a specific conglomeration of energetic lens ( also known as the zodiac) are going to perceive, attract, embrace and enact reality through those lens of perception. For example, A Taurus and a Gemini will see reality differently.

(Going off simply sun signs- which i do not think is substantial when we talk about real people, who in reality have much more than just their sun signs impacting their personalities-but for the purpose of keeping this lite, well do it here) The Taurus is concerned with practicality and survival, The Gemini lives in ideas, constructs and theories- they have very different creative impulses.

Thus they will internalize information differently and will project different visions onto reality. This reality will not only be informed by the multitudes of energy that they are comprised of, but the physical body into which they materialize into on this plane.

Another example, A Scorpio that materializes into A black, wealthy, able-bodied, u.s. citizen's body and reality will be able to express embody and enact that Scorpio energy dramatically different than a Israeli, poor, disabled woman. The reality is that these two, even if they had the exact same astrological charts, would have similarities, but would receive radically different messages about who they are and who they could be from society based on the demographic locations they reincarnated into. And that will make them very different. They will both find and have different channels that they can access to propel their energy.

So Not only are we humans who exist at margins and sites of oppression, we are spirits who manifest through lens and energies. And i believe, that those lens and energies inform our realities in core ways that many "revolutionary movements" have yet to explore.

Feminism says we experience reality differently because we exist at different social locations. Astrology says we experience reality different because we exist as different energetic moments and expressions. Combine the two and i think we have a very interesting puzzle. Because Astrology suggests that no-one is even experiencing the same moment in the same way ever. An Aries and a Libra will filter the present reality through their own ideologies and traumas and inner standings which means that you, reading this document now, experience this in a unique way that no-one else will ever! Ever!! And every way you experience everything is uniquely your own. You are in fact, uniquely your own.

The study of the cosmos, and the subsequent ways they inform the personality, must, I believe, become an integral part of how we as community activists and healers do the work. Alot of our personality challenges could be negotiated if we simply had a lens from which to understand our specific needs/desires/and motivations. For instance A Capricorn and Sagittarius will run an organization very differently. The Capricorn will reach for order and some semblance of hierarchy, particularly one in which age or experience reigns supreme, the Sagittarius will try to create a space much more expansive, one in which parameters or boundaries are less clear or adhered to. These two activists could bump heads forever. But astrological self awareness and insight could help these two articulate and determine what they would both need to be able to work together. Its not to say that astrology is the only way this could happen, just that it is one way.

And astrology can also be a useful tool when we talk about movement building and protest. When is the best time to organize a community gathering? To stage a protest? launch a movement? Imagine how astrological insight could empower us.

Just a random rant with random thougts. What do you think?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Celebration Of You

Today I wanted to celebrate you. Yeah, that's right, you. The spirit.The cutie. The Entity that the universe declared worthy for the gift of life. ( Stop looking over your shoulder!! Im talking to you!)

All Too often u dont celebrate yourself. Too often you do not recognize the work that you do for your world and your communities. To often you dont celebrate yourself for all the times you made it through, all the times you learned and used that lesson to better yourself or help others; or All the wonder and beauty you are. And this aint ego trippin. See I believe when you celebrate yourself, God/Goddess the universe celebrates you. When you celebrate yourself in a sincere and loving manner, someone else may be inspired to celebrate themselves because of your example. And then it spreads like a wildfire.

See the reality is; condemnation and self punishment is so passe'. It's been done. you/we know just how to put ourselves down, to exacerbate our flaws, to beat ourselves up. If humanity has mastered anything, surely we have mastered self hate. Look at the world around you and surely that is apparent.

Mind you, Its not saying that we don't hold ourselves accountable and sit and be present with our decisions that have negatively impacted others. We still have to answer to our choices. But we can do that in a compassionate manner that does not end up in laceration and abuse. We can recognize our places of growth and go to work, reflecting/reading/opening/sharing/re-envisioning ourselves.

Self love, like self hate has been around for a while but its not always as widely practiced. How about taking up that path?
See People tend to think its just to easy or too wrong/or to right for me to actually be kind to myself in my own head or think that they are not worthy of love because they are too (fill in the blank) or because they are not ( fill in the blank) or don't look like ( fill in the blank)

But not today! Today we are not going to go down that beaten path. SO i came up with an exercise I wanted to share to help you on your path to celebration.
You can try it every day if you like:
Just grab a piece of paper or notebook and write this down.

Today, I, ( Your name) will acknowledge and celebrate myself as a divine, beautiful expression of the creator. I will recognize that because God/Goddess/the Universe chose to give ME the gift of life, that I am worthy. And that nothing I do, nothing anyone else says or does, can make me any less worthy of all the love, prosperity, joy and bliss that the universe has to offer. No condition or reality is a statement on my worth. It is a statement on society, a statement of systems, a statement on others or my own neglect but never a reflection of my worth. I am invaluable. Priceless. There will never be another me in the history of the universe! I am the standard. The epitome of wonder. And this goes for every person, every star that shines around me (including those who I do not like or care for). Today I will celebrate me. Cause ( your name) is amazing. Cause (your name)is working it all out. Cause (your name) is learning how to make it happen. (your name)is learning how to love and embrace her/his/their own beauty!

And so it is!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

On My Mind...


So I've been trying to write lately. But its been hard. Because there has been SO much on my mind lately as Im beginning many major transitions ( TBA )and just trying to negotiate everyday life and being.
So instead of writing out long detailed blogs, I'm just gonna give you a gist of whats been bothering me daily.

1) Normative Heterosexual Parenting: Not heterosexuals ( Though in their continued prejudice they can be annoying) but the construct of parenting and how parenting should look and be in America. Its awful. Its ridiculous. Its Unfair.

So your telling me; two people are expected to take care of and support economically, emotionally and spiritually one or more children-and then, somehow in the midst of attempting to survive in a classist production centric society, find the time to take care of themselves and support their growth-somehow maintain a romantic relationship and some semblance of mental health; all by themselves with limited external support outside of the nuclear family structure.( was it nicknamed Nuclear because folks just knew it blow up? I mean really?)

No wonder 70% of marriages end up in divorce. No wonder America is listed as one of the most unhappiest countries on the planet. No wonder depression for black folks is through the roof. The framework for family bites. And on top of that, we have an ethic of emotional hoarding where we don't talk about damn near anything; gender concepts that repress everyone and just..oh boi. If you live in the matrix; and don't have a way to negotiate these things...and even if you do..oh boi.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could reinvision life and family? If we really developed intentional community parenting? But of course, that would take alot of self awareness, growth, selflessness, and would take us to relinquish the idea of children as property to make that happen. Not to mention we would have to re-conceptualize power as we see it; and see it each other. This makes my head hurt.

2. And i wonder-isn't this idea of the strong black woman a primary contributor to black men feeling like they are able to leave? Isn't this idea that black women can do and take ANYTHING horrible and dehumanizing? Not that it isn't wonderful to acknowledge the beauty and resiliency of black women, but the strong black woman narrative often denies the fact that black women, like all human beings, need love, support and healing and need to also not carry the load of the universe alone. I'm just saying/

I got a headache. More to come. Forgive my short analysis.

Love peace and healing to the mothers and fathers and families out here struggling to uphold the nuclear family structure. May we all find a new way to be in the world that involves broader community support and not sadistic individuality.

Monday, January 4, 2010

So Excited!!

I am VERY Very excited and honored to announce that I've been chosen by the Feminist Women's Health Center to receive their 2010 "Creative Leadership Award" for my activist and artistic endeavors!!

Feminist Women's health center offers low cost reproductive health care to women of all races, ages and abilities. They offer a trans health initiative, reproductive medicine, GYN, Abortion care and so much more. I've had the opportunity to work with the women of Feminist Women's Health Center in the past and I have alot of respect for the great work the center and clinic does day to day.

I will be receiving this award at their annual "Stand Up For Reproductive Justice Gala" January 22nd at the Twelve Hotel at Atlantic Station! For more info on the event or to attend, click below:


For all my friends and community members, if you are able to attend, I would LOVE To see you there!!!

If you are not able to attend there is one other way you can show support for the Feminist Womens health center in these trying times!!

I would like raise $2500 for Feminist! 2,000 has already been generously donated, so all I need is 500.00!!

If I CAN GET 100 PEOPLE to give just 5.00, it would be a small way you could show your support for Reproductive Health Care and support the great work of Feminist Women's Health Center!!

You can pay online via Paypal! It's quick and easy, and your five dollars will go such a long way!!!


Here's the link:


Remember, what you give comes back to you! So if you are able to give, give in love and in trust that it will return back to you!!

Much much love and lite to you and yours!:-)


Reading at Bound to Be Read Books

So I did this reading a while back. Not at ALL used to sitting down! It felt odd, but it came out well! Enjoy!