Astrology is to Feminism What Purple is to Lavender.

Queerness. Blackness. Whiteness. Personality & Perception. So Ive been thinking about these things alot lately. About what ideas and ideologies we prescribe to which in turn, shape, facilitate and inform our personal and communal realities.
For instance, as an astrologer its readily apparent to me that individuals born with a specific conglomeration of energetic lens ( also known as the zodiac) are going to perceive, attract, embrace and enact reality through those lens of perception. For example, A Taurus and a Gemini will see reality differently.
(Going off simply sun signs- which i do not think is substantial when we talk about real people, who in reality have much more than just their sun signs impacting their personalities-but for the purpose of keeping this lite, well do it here) The Taurus is concerned with practicality and survival, The Gemini lives in ideas, constructs and theories- they have very different creative impulses.
Thus they will internalize information differently and will project different visions onto reality. This reality will not only be informed by the multitudes of energy that they are comprised of, but the physical body into which they materialize into on this plane.
Another example, A Scorpio that materializes into A black, wealthy, able-bodied, u.s. citizen's body and reality will be able to express embody and enact that Scorpio energy dramatically different than a Israeli, poor, disabled woman. The reality is that these two, even if they had the exact same astrological charts, would have similarities, but would receive radically different messages about who they are and who they could be from society based on the demographic locations they reincarnated into. And that will make them very different. They will both find and have different channels that they can access to propel their energy.
So Not only are we humans who exist at margins and sites of oppression, we are spirits who manifest through lens and energies. And i believe, that those lens and energies inform our realities in core ways that many "revolutionary movements" have yet to explore.
Feminism says we experience reality differently because we exist at different social locations. Astrology says we experience reality different because we exist as different energetic moments and expressions. Combine the two and i think we have a very interesting puzzle. Because Astrology suggests that no-one is even experiencing the same moment in the same way ever. An Aries and a Libra will filter the present reality through their own ideologies and traumas and inner standings which means that you, reading this document now, experience this in a unique way that no-one else will ever! Ever!! And every way you experience everything is uniquely your own. You are in fact, uniquely your own.
The study of the cosmos, and the subsequent ways they inform the personality, must, I believe, become an integral part of how we as community activists and healers do the work. Alot of our personality challenges could be negotiated if we simply had a lens from which to understand our specific needs/desires/and motivations. For instance A Capricorn and Sagittarius will run an organization very differently. The Capricorn will reach for order and some semblance of hierarchy, particularly one in which age or experience reigns supreme, the Sagittarius will try to create a space much more expansive, one in which parameters or boundaries are less clear or adhered to. These two activists could bump heads forever. But astrological self awareness and insight could help these two articulate and determine what they would both need to be able to work together. Its not to say that astrology is the only way this could happen, just that it is one way.
And astrology can also be a useful tool when we talk about movement building and protest. When is the best time to organize a community gathering? To stage a protest? launch a movement? Imagine how astrological insight could empower us.
Just a random rant with random thougts. What do you think?