Monthly Misspelled Musings from A Queer Child Of the Cosmos

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Some things I probably shouldnt say Part 1

What is most important to you must be spoken and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood right? Here are some thoughts that are coming to me as I'm working on my first book. Some are a little edgy, some not so, but either way I just wanted to share

1. I believe that all people are inherently bisexual or more appropriately, have the possibility to be attracted to all sexes and genders, and that socialization, along with abuse, power dynamics, and gender norms affect the way in which people have or are able to access the wholeness of their sexual attractions and desires.

2. A thought on domestic violence: Because the belief in gender fragmentation is so strong in our culture- many heterosexual identified men believe themselves to be purely masculine. However, we all are comprised of "both" fem and masc energies. Thus, many men attract women who become unconscious projections of their own under acknowledged femininity and in doing so; treat her as their treat their own emotions and feelings( the femininity). How is that? They beat it, they repress it, they try to control it. The worldwide desecration of the feminine by men and women is a direct co-relation to the gender fragmenting ideology of sexism and patriarchy. until men, and all other bodies that have accepted a patriarchal ideology heal, women across the world will be murdered and killed at the alarming rate that is occurring. This equation could also go vice-versa; the seething anger of women that has lied dormant due to socialized attitudes must be unleashed in order for women to heal and any sort of "balance" to be restored. When women reclaim their inner warriors and denounce the culture of fear; many things will shift...This conversation can be much more complicated-but im intentionally over-simplifying! ( I am writing a much more complex blog on this later..!)

2. The level at which we have been disconnected from our emotional landscapes and bodies by oppression is dramatically under investigated. Our inability to assert and not egress, to speak our feelings as opposed to our thoughts, and so much more are direct outgrowth of being colonized and oppressed.

2. The Political & Radical Left is often as hegemonic as it's right wing counterpart in that specific patterns of loving, relating, and moving through the world are privileged in such a dogmatic fashion that those choosing to operate differently are chastised, belittled or dismissed from community. ( I am guilty of doing this too!)

2. All people are comprised of varying expressive energies. This can be summat ed to mean;all people have the masculine and feminine within them-however, even the use of these terms is problematic. We as energy beings have the potential for limitless expression and to dismiss, deny, or cut ourselves off from any aspects of ourselves is dangerous and unhealthy.

2. Patriarchy has wounded men even as it has privileged us. The inability of many men to form emotional intimate bonds, be they straight or gay; is a direct outgrowth of patriarchal egocentric competitive ideology and until we embrace an ethos of inclusion that is more than intellectual but actually is apart of our movement, body, and speech-we will continue to fail to love each other.

3. Women embody patriarchy too. They, like men, have received the same messages that condone violence and aggression as a means to end. And often in feminist communities, because of the complex nature of our politics-we will allow women to do the most horrendous, violent things because they are women-while if they were men we would find thier actions unacceptable and immediately protest. Denying that women are violent and aggressive is apart of a larger script of denying women thier agency. It is reminiscent of the belief that black men give hiv/aids to black women; and that black women do not give HIV/AIDS to black men. The earlier assumes that women are objects to be given something too and invisibilizes them as anything else.

4. Because our community is struggling so intensely with its trans-phobia- we often are afraid to hold trans men and women accountable when they make sexist and misogynistic remarks. I have heard trans women say they knew they wanted to be a woman because they "wanted to cook for a man" and i have heard trans men say "they don't fuck with that homo shit"-all in the prescience of activist community with little accountability (even from myself!)

2. HIV/AIDS Prevention dramatically fails often because of some of these factors.
a. Ego-Centrism; The HIV/AIDS field is littered with wounded men who lust for power and control. instead of developing innovative solutions and partnering to conquer issues that arise many are often involved in minor turf battles which weaken the collective ability to address the issue.

B. Community Based organizations are comprised of people often from those same communities; and because of this-the staff of these CBO's are often susceptible of carrying and promoting the same self hating and shame inducing norms that help spread the epidemic in the first place. In many cases the CBO's become spaces where this happens profusely. In order to become more effective as HIV/AIDs organizations feminist holistic psychological evaluations, not unlike the ones that individuals who go to school for therapy undergo, must be a interwoven into the picture on some level. KNowing your stuff and how not to project it- or when you are projecting is a must. Self Awareness is a must.

C. HIV & AIDS, I believe, like all "dis-ease" feeds on fear. And many of our campaigns, well meaning as they are, often proliferate the fear forming an equation that interconnects with cultural shame to make a very deadly recipe. HIV & AIDs research must expand into the ethereal and holistic to see how fear, hate and other energies affect the body and aura. Holistic medicine believes no dis ease is in isolation, and thus we must look at HIV in a broader lens that also includes these things including the energy of food.

D. I believe that mainstream Christianity, and it's belief in SIN and the immorality of homosexuality has mortally wounded many black queer people who have accepted this religious perspective and that nihilistic behavior's is directly an outgrowth of a lack of self worth based on this poorly translated scripture. In fact, I would argue that Black Christian Theology that advocates against gays and lesbians is largely responsible for the unhealthiness of our community psychologically, spiritually, and physically. And of course-we could draw this line back further and recognize thier is a much broader realm of responsibility...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Today I pledged..

Today I pledged to love my body..to embrace all my folds, and my creases..all my spots and my blemishes...today I pledged to honor myself; as a direct manifestation of the divine-the creator; god & goddess-life expressing itself. I decided to embrace me, and in turn embrace all others who are only my reflection. Today I felt good-and hopeful, and forgiving. and trusting. I reconnected with my magic and my joy. Today i realized that I could have the love I want. That i could be the love i want. And so today I am! And so today it is..!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Challenge of Violence

We Are the Work"-Men Stopping Violence Slogan

" I feel therefore I can be free"- Audre Lorde

Today, I sat and thought hard about what would be my first blog.Then, as if to answer my concerns-the universe over the past few days offered me an opportunity to grow in a very challenging situation. (Like it always does!)

There was a conflict; and in response to that conflict some involved reached out in what I felt were very violent and passive aggressive mediums. In response to that violence I felt the ugly within me arise; felt the urge to, out of my own hurt, reach back and hurt those who I felt had so wrongly inflicted violence upon me.

Even with all my training, with all my understanding and embrasure of non-violence; and my belief that violence, be it emotional psychological or spiritual; is never acceptable-(Self-Defense for me is something different) I still wanted to do it. To cut back. To make them feel like I felt. And what did I feel? Well underneath all the anger within me, I recognized I was hurt. And when I got to that place, and believe me it took some doing- I re-realized that anger is often an umbrella emotion, masking beneath it a full range of feelings of pain, frustration and hurt. Yet as a man, and further more as an individual socialized in an hyper-masculine society; my first instinct was not to go to that pain but towards the desire to inflict that pain on others. My first instinct was to get revenge.
And not only that, I wanted to cut them off, and cut them out of my life. And this has been historically my response to those who have caused me emotional pain; and have expressed no desire to be accountable. I would shut them out. Quick & Easy. It's over.

But when I went back to the pain, I realized how much of all my anger was really about how much I had been hurt. So the next thing i went to was why? How is this about me? What is this situation that has awakened anger and hurt within me have to teach?
I sat back and realized that a large part of my anger centered on not being heard. The responses from the said parties really reflected either mis-communication or an inability to hear from their own standpoints of pain. And I was able to connect that to much a deeper pain for me-a pain of a little boy, who, equally so felt unheard or misunderstood and then attacked from those places.

And then I came to another place- a place where i recognized my lack of compassion. A close friend told me today "If we cut each other off every time someone shows their "ugly"-then we will have no-one, because we all have pain in us which manifests in ugly ways." It amazed me how quickly I discounted the fact that the others were in pain too. And while there pain is not a justification for their actions-choosing to respond to their violence with violence would only lead us down the same old road of constructing more pain. And cutting them out of my life-with no conversation; be it as difficult as that conversation may be- was not the answer either. Though I am sensitive; and in many ways than most; I still dont believe running is always the answer. And I have to look at how my actions may have caused them pain as well. Because even if our intent is well meaning; is does not mean that the consequence of the intent is always recieved well. And so I have to reflect back on my actions as well-and be accountable!

And so I've chose to forgive. And not forgive without accountability-no that's not what I mean at all; but to forgive without expectations. And choosing to forgive gave me enough distance from my pain to see how they themselves could be interpreting the scenario, how we both could be bringing in mixed messages and our mixed histories to the situation. It does not make what they did right; but they say " Forgiveness is me giving up the desire to hurt you for hurting me."
and so I'm choosing that.

In connection, I quoted "We are the work" because I believe vehemently that as activists, healers and poets, the work we have to do is not just on the larger societal structures but on our own emotional and spiritual bodies and how we move through the world. Just as institutions have been shaped by violence, sexism, racism etc-so have I and we. And it is useless to challenge those external realities If I don't go within and look at me -If I don't look at my violence, my racism, my sexism, my homophobia-and choose to transform it into love.

Transforming old patterns is not easy. But If I want a world of equality, peace, and love-then I have to be that-and that is a challenge that I believe is worth taking on.

There are so many differences among us. And so many wounds. And some of us may not choose to acknowledge them, or see them-but if we are to really create a world that affirms and not discards-than I believe we have to recognize that we are all reflections of each other. It does not mean that we don't need to distance ourselves sometimes, or leave relationships completely-but I feel it does mean that we can do that in a way that has love for all involved if we are able.

And so with that I kick off my first blog: "Envision This! " Its my way of sharing with the world the world that Is me, and the galaxy I am growing up to be. I Invite you to come with me and Envision this world of the wounded-healing; Envision intimacy ending oppression, envision self awareness stifling the spirit of the ego, envision tears tearing down walls, envision hugs holding us together. Love: Envision This!

Welcome! I'm looking forward to many posts and sharing together!-

Eternally your Reflection,
Yolo Akili, Feb. 19, 2009